
I had my job interview with Jon today, which went extremely well. I got the Village Director postition, with a bit of a pay raise ($600 up from last year.) We talked about quite a few things, mainly about camp, and how it can be improved. It was good to talk to him again, he's a very good camp director. I was saddened to learn that there were some people who I worked with (and became very good friends with) won't be returning for various reasons. But overall, looking at the staffing list for this summer, we have a very good group of people coming, so that's good. I'm excited. This has been one of the best jobs that I've ever had, and I look forwards to going back every year about this time. And now as a VD, it should be an interesting summer. I like the village that I'm in, and I like a lot of the people who are returning.

I'm excited.

After the interview, I went and got lunch and met up with my friend Andy Bulpre, who I used to work with at another summer camp, and who I haven't seen for about four years now. Andy's a crazy guy, and a great friend. It's been far too long in between talks for us, having finally gotten his contact info from another friend. Man, how time flies, and it's entertaining how small the state is, because we both know several of the same people from various places. We walked around Burlington's Church Street for a while, catching up on things and chatting, the three of us (he had a friend, Lucy with him, who was also a pleasure to talk to), like no time had passed. Apparently I've changed a bit, although I don't really see it. Great to see him though. From there, I went to my dad's office, where I dropped off my resume for another job, then visited my Grandmother for a bit, before going and picking up my sister, talked to Eric briefly at the store, then drove my sister back home.
On the way back, I let Keelia drive for her first time. She was a little shakey, but she got the hang of driving very quickly, although she needs a lot more practice, expecially where it comes to the side of the road and breaking to stop. She was excited to drive for the first time, and she'll have more practice before she gets her license. Man, I can't believe that she's almost ready to get it. Scary. My dad found it amusing that she drove with me for the first time, while my mother was on the verge of freaking out at me. Oh well, it would happen sometime.

And now, to study for my final final.