
I'm headed up to Scotland for the rest of the week, and I need to pack and get my train ticket for the five hour ride up. Should be very fun and I'm very much looking forwards to it. I need a bit of a break from my roommates. I like them, but a break is needed.

This VERY interesting bit of news came through in regards to Firefly: From junglejen9: Firefly. You gotta spill it if you have any additional info, please!I've heard the CW is considering bringing it back as a series, miniseries or movie for next season. Hurrah! For you who missed my message board posting, on Tuesday, Nate Fillion, Summer Glau and Gina Torres were seen coming out of one of the exec buildings at Paramount, where they are putting together the new CW unit.
I'm not making it up.

I'm holding my breathe about this one, but if it happens?

Have a good rest of the week.