Admin Staff Training

Admin Staff training is now almost over - today, we'll be getting the regular staff in for the coming week, were we'll be training them better to work with kids. In the past, Staff training has typically been made up of various work projects - this year, we've got a lot of more classroom stuff. More on how the kids work, how to work with them, and things of that nature, which I think will be extremely helpful.

We're also starting the week off with a funeral - Wily 'Grandpa' Raymond, who was a huge influence to camp and a wonderful figure for us here, died earlier in the week after a long battle with cancer. It's a shame, he was a good person. I took my night off to drive home to get some better clothing for the funeral.

Already some of the staff have arrived. We've got two guys from the UK, who are awesome, really like those guys. My friend Sam has arrived, as well as a couple scattered others. We've already divided them into cabins, where we'll be getting them ready for the coming week and the villages that they'll be assigned to.

The summer's poised to start. Now, as soon as I get some batteries for my camera, I'll start taking photographs.