Camp Update

I haven't really had any time to update this lately, so here's what I've been up to. Camp's been going fairly well lately. Things are getting slightly stressed, but that's normal for the end of the year. We've got a bit of an odd group and session at the moment. Champ Camp, an asthma camp, is here, with 12 girls, and next week, we've got Purple Camp, which is a camp for children who's parents are serving overseas. It's running well at the moment. This means that we have a two one week sessions and a two week session running at the same time. Actually, it works out well because I can get the day off that I really want.
Which is 11 to 11 Sat to Sun, because Carbon Leaf's playing over at Battery Park in Burlington, along with a couple other bands. Can't wait to see them again, especially with their upcoming album. I've listened to a couple more songs on their website, and it's sounding fantastic.
Saw my sister last night at a camp dance with Hochelega, which was pretty funny. She attacked me with a hug, and I got my revenge later that night with a slow dance thing that we do here. Everything went over pretty well, which is a plus.
Rest of the week for me is paperwork. Final Reports are coming up, as are Staff Reviews and Staff Reflections. Hopefully I'll have time to do all this...