Love Loss Hope Repeat & New Job

Love, Loss, Hope, Repeat was released yesterday! I've since listened through it about 6 times. Man, it's such a good album. They've really been moving to a new sound since Indian Summer, and they really reached something good for this one.

The album opens with their single, Learn to Fly, about heartbreak, with a great beat and background music. From there, the album hits the the title track, the relaxed Love, Loss, Hope, Repeat, then to Under the Wire to Royal One, which has one of the cooler bass and guitar themes that I've heard from them. Girl and Her Horse picks up the pace slightly, leading to the fantastic Texas Stars, which opens wonderfully. Block of Wood is next, with more of a country/folk sound to it, which is really cool to hear. Comfort opens with a Mandolin, and comes to a solid beat and lyrics. The War Was In Colour is more of a story song, about a grandfather and a grandson, finding a box of pictures from World War II. Very moving song. Bright Lights lightens the mood with a fast beat, and the album ends with International Airport, which feels from the start like you're standing in a busy airport.

Overall, the album is amazing, fantastic and simply good work from my favorite band. I can't wait to see them when they come to a concert here on the 23rd of October.

In other news, today's my first day at my new job at Walden Books. Should be fun. I'm a little nervous because I've never worked retail before, but it's a bookshop, so I guess we'll see.