And I thought Fox...

... was bad at cancelling shows. News on the street today is that the CBS show Smith, was cancelled today after only three episodes. That gets me annoyed, because a) I was really digging Smith, b) it was a HEIST show. I love heists! c) It's three frickin' episodes! Give it a little time. At least Fox cancelled Firefly after 13. d) They're keeping Jericho with it's crappy characters, why cancel the show with fairly decent ones and a better storyline??

Arg. Tomorrow's TV Recap will be really fun to write...

Okay, doing a bit of research, Smith was getting 3.1-2.8 ratings, which is pretty bad for a show like that. The article I read, linked through TV Squad, mentioned that officials weren't calling it a cancellation, and there's a couple of episodes already finished. Maybe they'll be finishing out their 13 episode order with enough time to wrap it up nicely. That would be good. Actually, that'd probably be preferable.