What I Did Last Year

Last year, I went to First Night with my friend Sam, lost an aunt due to a lengthly illness, got ready for London, said goodbye to people, boarded a plane and flew to New York, spent the night and then flew to London. Met Barbara, Fran and Will and Flat 9 of 5 Doughty Street, took a tour of the city, got lost with Will, learned how to get around the city, walked all over the place, visited the British Museum numerous times, learned to love Indian food, visited Cambridge, Canterbury, Stratford-Upon-Avon, York, Oxford (x3), Bristol, Bath, Norwich, saw a Tintin play, drank in the Eagle and Child, watched as the muslim world erupted after some cartoons were published, watched the Olymics, went to Scotland and went hiking, saw the London theatres are much cooler than their American counterparts, saw some musicals and plays, got hooked on House MD, Supernatural, Green Wing and Prison Break, missed Battlestar Galactica and Stargate, had roommate problems, learned to live in a city, met Philip Pullman and Brian Aldiss, learned about Alexi Murdoch, KT Tunstall, the Arctic Monkeys, went through two iPods, got my heart broken, Slobodan Milosevic was found dead in his cell, learned that a camper from camp died, worked at an innercity London School, went to Athens, Marathon and Pireus, Greece and met Megan, Heather, Emily, Todd and Christopher, learned that Stanislaw Lem died, got rehired to camp, walked London at night, pub crawls with Zach and Jason, went on a trip to Eastbourne with Katherine, met up with Sara and her friends, went on long tube rides, packed to go home, said goodbye to the roommates, flew New York, then to Burlingto, met my dad at the airport, missed London terribly, went back to Norwich, was elected the President of the Tactical society, got an apartment, packed up everything in my room and moved to 46 Catamount Drive, got my movies back from Rachel, saw Mission Impossible III, got a job at the Y as a lifeguard, bought a car, got the entire series of Dr Who from Beep, went to X3 with a bunch of Abnaki people, got a mobile phone, got hooked on Veronica Mars, won a backpack from a hiking store, moved out of the apartment and up to camp as a village director for Tamakwa, went through Admin Staff training, met the two British counselors and a whole slew of new ones, sketchy Dave was fired, geeks ruled camp, we lost Grandpa Raymond from Camp, went to the funeral for that, watched as it rained for the first couple weeks, went to see Superman Returns, getting used to paperwork, switching cabins, Abnaki hated Hochelega, designed a campwide activity that went off extremely well, Carbon Leaf announced their newest album, went to see Carbon Leaf for free!!!, my friend Eric became engaged, got stressed and burned out, camp ended, went back to Northfield, scared the crap out of my roommate, grandpa died, I really messed up an oil change, went through a comic book kick, got a TV and cable and high speed internet, was hired to Walden Books in the Berlin Mall, got Carbon Leaf's new album, as well as Amos Lee's, watched the Tactics club quadruple in size, rode my bike to school, crashed three times, broke my arm once, Smith was cancelled, I got hooked on Heroes, and Studio 60, late night talks with Sarah, the halfmile walk in the rain to the telephone, missed papers, won a photo contest, watched Galactica kick ass, made impromptu plans to visit Sarah that panned out, saw Carbon Leaf for the second time with my Sister, fell in love, dressed up as a Stormtrooper for Halloween, got bored at Walden books, saw lots of sketchy people, watched as the democrats took control of the government, started a photoblog, my friend Sam and Miranda got engaged, I listened to every song on my computer, learned to make bread, managed to accomplish no work during vacation, Sam Cohn died, the funeral was depressing, Work at the mall picked up, the Beatles released a new album, and I found a band called Trilobite, I got hooked on Life on Mars, still missed London, went insane as finals came and went, went to a bar with some friends and had to pull their car out of the ditch, went on a weird trip to find a christmas tree that proved to be far more complicated than it should have been, found time to actually read, and then found that I have ten books to go through, got all As and Bs for the semester, got some cool things for christmas, making plans to go to Ohio, and went to First Night in Burlington with Sam and Miranda.

It was a good year.