/I'm on spring break now - it really seemed to come quickly! Hopefully, I'll be getting a little work done with my D-Day project, at least with the background research and reading for the opening sections. After I get back, I'll have quite a bit to do with individual unit histories and things like that.
Other random things:
- The USPS will be celebrating the 30th anniversary of Star Wars by putting out a number of mailboxes that look like R2-D2. Looks fun, I'm sure that some of those will vanish to collectors. Theforce.net has some pictures.
- Kieth R.A. DaCandido, the hack who was assigned to the Serenity novelization is set to help degrade another favored fandom of mine, this time, the show Supernatural, which airs on the CW. I think that I'll be passing that when it hits shelves. the Serenity novelization was poorly written as it was, and I've got plenty of other things to read.
- My reading list for break: Finish Children of Men, Tempest, Good Omens, The Gunslinger, Iron Sunrise.
- Apparently, my current math teacher also taught my Uncle Kevin and Aunt Mary when they were in middle school in Bristol. Small world...
Edit: And UPS just arrived with a box of books for me, from Simon & Schulster, all hardcovers, all free. w00t!