
For seven years, I worked for YMCA Camp Abnaki. Over that time, I've come across thousands of kids in various capacities, but there are some that you just don't forget, and some that you look forwards to every year. This is the case with Daniel Murphy - he and his brother were both campers in my cabin, and in my village over several years while I was there. Both siblings were bright and highly interested in Star Wars, which made them very fun to talk to, and I remember Daniel bringing comics and books with him to camp to read. I just recieved an e-mail from Jon, the camp's director saying that Daniel was hit by a car on Thursday night, and is in a coma up in Burlington. I've since inquired to see if there are any visiting hours for him. News articles that I've found since then indicated that he's in serious but stable condition, but is still unconscious.  Hopefully there will be something that I can do. In my time here at camp, I've seen two of my former campers pass away - once while I was away in England, and another during the spring of my senior year. It's horrible to see happen, and these were kids who had extremely bright futures ahead of them. I don't want to attend another funeral.

I'm absolutely devestated at hearing this news, and I really hope that Daniel pulls through soon. Hopefully, I'll hear more soon.