
So as of 9:00 am Wednesday, the State of Vermont recognizes Megan and myself as a married couple. We filed the paperwork, visited a Justice of the Peace in Montpelier and tied the knot. We're husband and wife!

We were engaged back in December, and have been slowly planning the wedding in the months since. That's still going to happen: there's been some people who've seen the married news and went: Huh?. There's a couple of reasons behind this:

- We wanted the married part to be for us. There's a lot of pressure, frustrating at times, to invite everybody and their friends to the wedding, and we didn't want to lose a whole lot of focus. The marriage was for us, but the wedding will be for all of us. - There's practical things that come with being hitched. Norwich has a great benefits system, and Megan, as my spouse, is now part of that, under my coverage. Saves us money, and should the worst happen, we'll have more options. - There's the whole madly in love with one another thing too.

Plus, the combined wedding / marriage thing felt like this far off, distant, looming thing that would completely stress us out with the minutia and trivial details that come with the territory, and I can't help think that splitting the two apart a bit helps our (mine, at least) mental state. I don't want to go into a happy gathering worrying about X, Y and Z details, or the family elements that might not go off without a hitch.

So, technically, we eloped.

I'm looking forward to the next adventure already: I'll have my best friend, my wife, with me for whatever comes next, and I can't tell you how happy that makes me.