Asimov, de Camp and Heinlein at the Naval Air Experimental Station


I came across an interesting tidbit a while ago, while reading something about Robert Heinlein: he served as a researcher during World War II, alongside fellow SF authors Isaac Asimov and L Sprague de Camp. It's a neat intersection, and while their experiences don't yield any major works or revelations to the science fiction field, it does demonstrate the real inter-connectivity between authors working in the field.

At the NAES, Asimov, Heinlein and de Camp all worked on various experimental projects, working in the high-tech, cutting edge of R&D that's so often portrayed in the genre at the time. It's a neat story, one that tells quite a bit about each of the authors.

Read Asimov, de Camp and Heinlein at the Naval Air Experimental Station over on Kirkus Reviews.

Sources used:

I, Asimov, Isaac Asimov: this autobiography is an interesting one, and it's still just as smug and self-deprecating as his other one that I've read, It's Been A Good Life, but this one has quite a bit more when it comes to information.

It's Been A Good Life, Isaac Asimov: this is a bit redundant, but it's a decent, if annoying read on Asimov's life. The man really was a bit of a twit.

Robert A. Heinlein: In Dialogue With His Century, Volume 1 (1907-1948), William Patterson: This biography is astonishingly good, and incredibly detailed and dense with information. Patterson does an excellent job getting Heinlein's life (the first part!), in day by day detail.

Time and Change: An Autobiography: L Sprague de Camp: This autobiography from de Camp is an excellent one. Rich in detail, lacking the ego, and generally provides an excellent look at who de Camp was.