Jack Williamson's Space Operas
Space Opera is a genre near and dear to my heart, and as I've written for Kirkus Reviews, it's clear that space opera is one of the genres that's been a central focus of science fiction: the idea of travelling through space and visiting new worlds is a particularly interesting one. Space Opera has changed over time, and one of the authors responsible for setting up some modern styling of it is Jack Williamson, who enjoyed a particularly long career as an author.
Go read Jack Williamson's Space Operas over on Kirkus Reviews.
- Science Fiction Writers, Robert Belier. There's an excellent biographical sketch here in this book.
- Space Opera Renaissance, edited by Katheryn Cramer and David G. Hartwell. Hartwell and Cramer have a good overview of the history of Space Opera in their anthology, and Williamson has some pointed remarks in it.
- The History of Science Fiction, by Adam Roberts. Roberts has some good comments about Williamson's place in genre history, as well as some of the other authors writing around that point in time.
- Williamson, Jack. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction likewise has some good contextual information on Williamson and his career.