Leaving The Day Job

So, this is something that happened in the last couple of weeks: I'm leaving my job at Norwich University. I've reached a point where I realized I was happier doing work writing and reviewing, and that I'd gone about as far as I could go with Norwich at this time. So, in December, I'll be heading out for good. I'll admit: it's a little nerve-wracking. I've been working at the school since 2007 - eight years. I've been there even longer when I count the years that I spent there as an undergraduate.

One of the things that I'm looking forward to is spending more time with Bram. There's a lot that I've wanted to do, but just haven't been able to do. Now, I'm hoping that there'll be more adventures for the two of us.

I'm also excited. I've got a ton of projects that I've been wanting to get to for weeks or months, and just haven't been able to do much on them. This'll give me more time to devote to those things, and explore some new ones. Stay tuned: if some of these things work out, there'll be some cool things coming!