Wordplay: IP + Collective SF


I’ve had two installments of Wordplay go up this month:

The first is The future will be collective, a short musing on two Verge stories that went up at the beginning of February: Cadwell Turnbull’s Monsters Come Howling in Their Season, and my feature about Front Porch Forum. Both touch on a couple of similar issues: pushing governance down to a community level, and how that seems to be a good model for tackling major problems.

The second came out last weekend while I was at Boskone, and came out of a couple of conversations that I had with people about intellectual property and how authors and creators should have this at the back of their mind, and how the model for developing new works is beginning to shift in some interesting ways. Plus, some whining about convention panels.

As always, you can sign up and read back issues here.

While I’m at it, I’ll recommend signing up for Eliot Peper’s newsletter — he does a bunch of book recommendations each month, and they’re always pretty interesting.