The 'To Read' List

So, it's been a little while since I've done one of these lists, and I've added a number of other books to the queue since I last listed off everything. Here's what I'm reading:


The Catch, Archer Mayor - Just finished this last night. Good, light reading, something that came out last fall that I never got around to picking up when it first came out. It's not as good as the original Joe Gunther novels, but it was a fun read. Blood and Thunder, Hampton Sides - Fantastic history of the American west. I'm working through it slowly, and it's one of the best types of histories, that takes a smaller story and places it within the context of the greater happenings of the American expansion to the rest of America during the early 1800s. Shadow Bridge, Gregory Frost - I came across this book when I wrote about Borders giving SF/F authors problems by not selling their books. I'm only a couple pages in, but it seems intersting. A Game of Thrones, George R.R. Martin - Still plugging away every couple of months or so. At this rate, I'll be done with the first book by the time that Martin finished the rest of the series.

Next Up:

Anathem, Neal Stephenson - This one's garnered a lot of attention over the past year since its publication. The Warded Man, Peter Brett - My friend Eric highly recommended this book, and I suspect that I'll get to it quickly. Paris 1919, Margaret Macmillan - I 'read' this for a class in college, and need to give it a proper read now. Woken Furies, Richard K. Morgan - Third book in Morgan's Takeshi Kovacs trilogy. Western Warfare, Jeremy Black - Military History pleasure reading... Warfare in the Western World, Jeremy Black - Ditto. Not until I finish my program, most likely. Generation Kill, Evan Wright - This was made into a miniseries, and I'm intrerested in seeing what it's about and what it says about society. Redcoats, Stephen Brumwell - Another Military history piece that I haven't gotten to yet. Originally, this was to be used for a paper, but my topic shifted and I never got around to reading it. Hot, Flat and Crowded, Thomas Friedman - Christmas present. Looks facinating. What Is Cultural History? Peter Burke - Historigraphy book. The Graveyard Book, Neil Gaiman - Another one that's garnered a lot of attention lately. World War Z, Max Brooks - Despite my rant on Zombies, Ninjas and Pirates the other day, this looks like a fun read. Theodore Rex, Edmund Morris - Biography on Theodore Roosevelt. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night, Mark Haddon - My mom recommended this one to me. At some point, I'll get around to reading it. The Yiddish Policemen's Union, Michael Chabon - I loved the Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, and this one's supposed to be just as good.

And Everything Else: Mao, Jun Chang Heartshaped Box, Joe Hill A Crack at the Edge of the World, Simon Winchester Girl Sleuth, Melanie Rehak The Ten Cent Plague, David Hadju Millennium Falcon, James Luceno The Force Unleashed, Sean Williams Invincible, Troy Denning The Day of Battle, Rick Atkinson The Big Red One, Wheeler Ike: An American Hero, Michael Korda John Adams, David McCullough Lord Tophet, Gregory Frost Pattern Recognition, William Gibson Close to Shore, Michael Capuzzo Flu, Gina Kolata Aspho Fields, Karen Traviss Devices and Desires, K.J. Parker The Zombie Survival Handbook, Max Brooks A Civil Action, Harr Edison's Eve, Gaby Wood A Canticle for Leibowitz, Walter Miller Atonement, Ian McEwan A Clash of Kings, George R.R. Martin Command Decision, Elizabeth Moon Marque and Reprisal, Elizabeth Moon Cosmonaut Keep, Ken MacLeod Fury, Aaron Allston Revelation, Karen Traviss Streets of Shadows, Michael Reeves Inerno, Troy Denning The Dragon's Nine Sons, Chris Robinson Tales of Ten Worlds, Arthur C Clark

53 Books in all. And that's before my school books.