2nd Trip of the Week

Just got back from another geology trip this week. This time, we went to southern Vermont, near Rutland, where we took a look at some folds and faults. It was much better than a regular lab, being outside in the sun, that was lots of fun. The only problem- I woke up at 0915 after my alarm didn't go off, and I had to get to school by 0930. After making lunch and taking out the trash. That was an interesting ride to school, but I wasn't the last person to get there. Listened to some music on a CD that I burned the previous night, slept a little, looked at rocks in the sunlight with no snow to be found. Yep, good day.
I've been listening to Carbon Leaf and Low Millions compulsively. Two great bands. I think that I'm going to try and see Carbon Leaf the 27th. It's be a shame to miss a band that I like when they're so close. Vermont's not exactly the high point in concert tours, although we do get some people every now and then. I've found that between their main site and amazon.com, I've gotten about 3 hours of their music, including a couple of full CDs.

New Music

I've gotten the chance to listen to several new things recently, a new band and a couple of things that were introduced to me recently. The other night, I picked up a CD called Ex-Girlfriends, by a band called Low Millions that I've had my eyes on recently. I liked them enough to get their CD, and I've been listening to it since. They've got a good sound and sense of music.

The second band that I've been listening to is Carbon Leaf, which Rachel told me about. It turned out that I've actually heard some of their songs and have liked them, but I hadn't known who sang them. It also turns out that they're playing in this area soon, at the Higher Ground. They're Irish, and have a pretty cool sound about them.

The third is the Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Soundtrack, which mysteriously appeared on my computer. (...) I haven't listened to anything beyond the main title, which is pretty good thus far, but I've heard from some people that it seems to borrow a lot from other works that John Williams has done, which worries me a little. Hopefully it will turn out to be okay, but I doubt that it will top the Original Trilogy's soundtracks.

That's all for now. Work to do... 8 days until Celebration 3!