Admin Training Week

I'm a week into Admin training, which was all of this week. This year, I've been hired on as a Village Director, meaning that I'm in charge of an entire village of kids and staff members, probably around fifty total. This week was our preperation as leaders, and preparing for the regular staff and campers alike. It's been a fun week thus far. I have my own cabin, which is the only VD cabin with running water. I also have a closet and a main room, with my computer hooked up and a TV ready for an X-Box to be hooked up to. It's great.
A lot of good friends are on the admin staff this year. Tidd, Billy and Gaddy are fellow VDs, and Evan and Brian are the program staff. We have a new Arts and Crafts director, a girl named Erin, who's fitting in really well so far. I've spent the evenings this week in lifeguard training, a first for me, which went over really well. We cut some corners, and we had a great instructor, a former Navy rescue diver. Awesome guy. I'm missing the last day because both my Brother and Father are graduating from high school and a master's program. I'll make that up later.
One of my projects that I'm going to start working on this summer is a book, focusing on the counselors and history of Camp Abnaki. I've gotten a ton of material to look through, and I'll be typing up a rough manuscript this summer, if all goes well.
Plus I now have a new computer game on my computer, as well as about another five hours of Dave Matthew's live music on there as well.