Weekly Update

Two weeks down, eight more to go. Camp's going very well at this point, and I've slipped well into my responsibilities. This week, I was in charge of eight counselors in a cabin, as we did a number of trainings and work with them, bringing them up to speed with everything. So far, no major problems with anyone yet.
We had a police dog and his handlers come in a couple days ago, and they demonstrated what he did. (NEVER run away from one of those, you'll regret it for a long time.) I think that it was because of the staff party that was thrown at the end of last year, which was busted by the police, and several underage staff members were given citations.
First day, the regular staff came in, and we situated them in their cabins for the week, then had them do swim tests. Over the next couple of days, we began a series of trainings and seminars for new and old staff members on policy, age groups, problem solving and programing. We've done two LBDs (Lost Bather Drills) and trainings so that people know what to do when someone goes missing in the water. I'm now a lifeguard there, so we have a different job to do, sweeping the bottom for a body. It's really hard work.
We also met with the other Y Camps/Groups in the area, getting to know the staff. My friend Laura is on the Greylocke staff, and she mentioned that she was seeing Serenity the next day. Lucky...
I can't recall a time that I was more excited for programming this year. Brian Roy and Evan Cahill are our program directors, and man, they are doing an incredible job so far. I think that the kids are really going to love this year.
My friends Sam and Blackwell are both on staff, and we've done a bit of hanging out, getting ready for D&D this year, which I can't wait for. I also got Diablo for my computer, which is proving to be an addicting game.
Saw two movies, Batman and Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Batman was fun, although I was a little disapointed with some aspects of it, but it was an excellent movie. Mr. and Mrs. Smith was very funny, pretty well done. I'd recommend watching both. I also got Shaun of the Dead and Traffic, two excellent movies, and one of my dad's employees gave me a copy of Revenge of the Sith. w00t!
Next week, I have 21 girls in my village, ages 8-12, for an asthma camp that they will be holding for the first session. I think that it's going to drive me insane...

I'll try and post more often...